Monday, March 25, 2013

Grid Art Project

Here's some pictures of the progress of my grid art project for class. I chose a black and white picture of Andy Kaufman to create out of M&M's. The black and white picture allowed me to work better with the colors available in a standard bag of M&M's. As for the decision to use Andy Kaufman, I wanted to create something that had meaning to me. I've always tried to do my best to make myself laugh and hope others laugh with me, and Andy Kaufman is a bit of an inspiration. He did what he wanted, whether or not that made others laugh, and wasn't truly appreciated until after his death. He has just always seemed so unique and interesting to me, and I hope that others may let curiosity get the better of them and learn more about him after my presentation in class.

[Picture of the grid in progress]

[Rough draft of the grid, before gluing everything down]

[Final Product]

"There's no way to describe what I do. It's just me."
-Andy Kaufman

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