Thursday, May 9, 2013

Latin Music and More

While it may be great to look back on the songs of the past for the United States, I've always found it more interesting to see the evolution of music in other parts of the world. Looking through the videos provided on the evolution of Latin music, I must say that I really am a fan. It seems to keep its own style that reflects the more classical music of the countries while still matching that of the evolution of music seen in the United States and Europe. The above video was one of my favorites, and I liked the message that it was getting across. It reminded me of another band that I was introduced to by my Uncle a couple of years ago. A lesser known folk band from Canada called Moxy Fruvous has been a group that I have held dear since I first heard one of their albums. Many of their songs poke fun at political turmoil in Canada and America, including songs such as The Gulf War Song and The Greatest Man in America, which was a jab at Rush Limbaugh. Simple and elegant, Moxy Fruvous can range from catchy little songs that can provide a laugh or two with its satire, to the more serious songs, such as The Drinking Song, shown below.

As for dubstep, I have never been a big fan. Sure, this may just be because I haven't heard very good dubstep, but I wouldn't say that I hate it. However, I have mostly disliked the songs that I have heard so far. I'm definitely open to hearing more if I ever get the chance, and this class has really opened up my taste for music as a whole. Who knows, I may eventually fall in love with it. I will admit, when I was younger I went through a bit of a "happy hardcore" rave song phase, but even that seemed to eventually get on my nerves. I am still very much a fan of electronic music though, and there's even a chance some of the songs I enjoy are actually considered dubstep (that is, because much of what I have considered to be dubstep involves a bass drop followed by sounds that just seem grating to me).

Ghost Town by TeddyLoid

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