Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Back in a Flash

The idea of flashmobs is an interesting phenomenon that I feel we have been seeing more and more of lately. The idea is simple: coerograph with a bunch of other people, then release your performance on the unsuspecting masses. Sometimes these can end up being amazingly complex, adding to the awe it creates for a normal everyday stroll through the city becoming a once-in-a-lifetime viewing of a seemingly spontaneous dance number. Below are a couple of videos of flashmobs that I have found and enjoyed in the past:

By "Improv Everywhere", Mute Button takes a normal day in a park in Brooklyn and turns it on its head. People got together and completely stopped making any noise the moment the host gave his signal.

Mall Santa Musical is another video by "Improv Everywhere", creating a musical scene in the middle of a mall that even a special someone ends up being in on, delighting adults and children alike.

From one lone player to many, a girl's single donation to a musician turns into a full-on orchestral score, complete with an astounded audience.

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