Monday, April 15, 2013

Final Project, First Draft

I was definitely excited when I heard that "piratage" would be an acceptable form of video art for our final ART211 project. Though I still need to record my performance piece, I used much of the free time I had this weekend to start on the final project, just because of how exciting I find the medium to be. The task ended up being a bit more daunting than I expected. I've yet to go through all 7 hours of content that I plan to scan for usable clips, but I'm pretty happy with what I've extracted and created so far. This isn't some project I'm doing just for class, but rather this is something I'm also doing for myself. I've always been fascinated with videos like these but I've just been too lazy to try it myself, but now I have the push I needed to finally try it out.

Anything I've finished so far is subject to change, especially the visuals. I'll probably try to make it more lively later, but for now I'm focusing on getting the audio itself down, then worry about the visual aspect. Even so, the audio I've created so far may also change along the course of working on it more. As for the source, it's an anime series I've really enjoyed that I happened to own on DVD.

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