Monday, April 15, 2013

Old Computers Die Hard

There's something awe-inspiring about old computers. Whether it's simply their interesting builds and mechanisms or the realization that times truly have changed, old computers are in their own rights pieces of art. The Computer History Museum in California has a "1401" room, housing old IBM computers and other vintage beauties. Honestly, I feel that the pictures probably do not do the display justice. There's just something about being able to intently study old technologies. You're able to see what people of the time had to work with, and how much it has changed since then in design and function. From supercomputers and punchcards to CPUs that can fit in the palm of your hand available at any store selling computer parts, computers have evolved so much in such a small amount of time. Sometimes, you just have to step back and appreciate what was created in the past that led to our current advances in technology.

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