Sunday, April 14, 2013


With the technological world growing as fast as it is, code is quickly becoming the official language of the world. With the amount of technology we use on a daily basis, haven't a majority of us once thought about the time and effort that goes into creating the software and applications that we hold so dear? Code.Org is a movement to teach kids programming. I for one fully support this movement. As I mentioned before, we have such a firm grasp on technology these days that it can do nothing but benefit a person to learn to code. As a friend once said to me while talking about college majors and jobs in the future, "If you know how to program, you pretty much have a job by the time you get out of college." Of course this is a bit of an exaggeration, but as mentioned in the movement, tech companies are a huge necessity in our growing world and can be pretty lofty careers. I also was pleasantly surprised to see that Gabe Newell was one of the many people supporting this movement, as I have used his social gaming program, Steam, for the last couple of years now. While we may not need a whole generation of code monkeys, programming is definitely something that everyone should at least understand in our expanding business world revolving around the latest tech fascinations and gadgets.

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